Georgian Consulate Signs Film MOU with FDCP for 2nd Nationwide Georgian Film Roadshow


FDCP Executive Director Teodoro Granados and Consul Thelmo Cunanan, during the MOU signing

On April 27, the Consulate of Georgia in the Philippines, led by Consul (a.h.) Thelmo Cunanan Jr, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Film Development Council of the Philippines, formalizing the 2nd Nationwide Georgian Film Roadshow that will begin on May 9, 2015. The film festival will be in celebration of the Independence Day of Georgia on May 26.

Signing in behalf of the FDCP was FDCP Executive Director Teodoro Granados. This is a project of the consulate in cooperation with the Georgian National Film Center, which generously provided the films. The Georgian films will be screened in the FDCP’s theatres all over the country, including the cities of Baguio, Iloilo, Cagayan de Oro, Davao, and Zamboanga.

The films to be shown are critically-acclaimed motion pictures. These are “Salt White”, “Conflict Zone”, “Street Days”, and “The Guardian”. There will also be a collection of award-winning Georgian short films.

Last year, Consul Cunanan organized the First Nationwide Georgian Film Roadshow, which was a huge success and featured modern Georgian masterpieces like “The Other Bank”, “Keep on Smiling”, and “Is There a Theatre Up There?”. The Georgian Consulate, led by Consul Cunanan, has committed to holding this annual activity to promote Georgian culture and awareness all over the Philippines.

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