Consul Cunanan Represents West Point Graduates of Georgia at Founder’s Day Dinner


From left: WSPS President Dennis Acop, Consul Cunanan, Former Philippine President Fidel Ramos, Former First Lady Ming Ramos, US Ambassador Philip Goldberg, US Military Attache Col Michael Steiglitz

On March 21, Consul (a.h.) Thelmo Cunanan Jr. represented the Georgian graduates of the United States Military Academy at the West Point Society of the Philippines’ Founder’s Day Dinner and Reception.

The event was held at 6:30 p.m. at the East Tower Function Room, One Rockwell Condominium, Rockwell Center, Makati City, Metro Manila. The event, which is held annually, was in celebration of the 213th anniversary of the founding of the United States Military Academy, one of the most prestigious military schools in the world, with a long roster of very distinguished graduates.

Attending the dinner were prominent West Graduates of the Philippines led by former President Fidel Ramos (Class of 1950), who is the oldest living Filipino West Pointer. The guest of honor was His Excellent, US Ambassador to the Philippines Philip Goldberg.

The highlights of the evening included the singing of the West Point Alma Mater song, the President’s report, the oath-taking of the new officers, and speeches by special guests, including the keynote address of Ambassador Goldberg.

Consul Cunanan, whose father Ambassador/Lieutenant General Thelmo Cunanan (V), was given an opportunity to speak in behalf of the West Point graduates of Georgia. He made a brief introduction about Georgia and current events. Consul Cunanan extended the greetings from the Georgian alumni and read their official message of friendship to the West Point Society of the Philippines. Consul Cunanan and WPSP President Dennis Acop (Class of 1983) are working on initiatives to help establish the West Point Society of Georgia.

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