First Georgian Nationwide Film Festival Roadshow


The Consulate of Georgia in the Philippines, together with the Film Development Council of the Philippines and the Georgian National Film Center, is launching the First Nationwide Georgian Film Festival Roadshow, which will bring three feature movies and two short films to FDCP theatres in Manila, Baguio, and Iloilo. These are cinematic masterpieces that have been widely-acclaimed in film festivals around the world.

The Roadshow will open on July 24 at the FDCP Cinematheque in Baguio City, where Consul Cunanan will be giving a short talk about Georgia prior to screening. He will also be giving similar talks to audiences during opening nights in Iloilo and at Rizal Park’s Open Air Theatre in Manila.

For more information about the movies and screening dates, please contact the consulate’s Public Relations Director, Dr. Melissa Dizon at 09173791738. You may also visit our website for additional information.

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