Consul Cunanan Initiates Georgian Donation to Ateneo’s Rizal Library


In an effort to spread awareness of Georgian culture around the world, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, in cooperation with its partners and stakeholders, is carrying out initiatives to establish worldwide “Georgia Corners” through the donation of books and reference materials to libraries and related institutions in different countries.

The Georgian Consulate, which has already carried out numerous cultural and heritage-related activities, has extended its full support to this endeavour. After extensive research, Consul Cunanan, who recently returned from Georgia with a cache of books for donation, identified the Rizal Library, the main university library of the Ateneo de Manila, as an ideal partner in the project. The Ateneo de Manila University is the finest educational institution in the Philippines. The Rizal Library, on the other hand, is named after National Hero Dr. Jose Rizal, an alumnus of the Ateneo.

Established in the late 19th century, the Rizal Library has developed into the most modern, dynamic, and respected library in the country. It has over 5,000 sq.m. of space, a 700 seating capacity, and shelving space for 200,000 volumes. Furthermore, it has over 180,000 books in its collection, 33,000 bound journals, roughly 4,300 rolls of microfilm, and over 300,000 microfiches. Holding its own to international standards, Rizal Library has achieved computerising its operations and establishing a network with universities and libraries around the globe to provide the Ateneo community with information services which ensure the university’s continuing tradition of excellence.

On July 3, Consul Cunanan visited the Rizal Library and met with its director, Dr. Vernon Totanes, PhD., who has agreed, in principle, to receive the books from the Georgian government. A formal turnover ceremony is scheduled later this month. Consul Cunanan, meanwhile, informed Dr. Totanes about the possibility of more books and related materials being sent to the Rizal Library from Georgia and his office’s readiness to provide the necessary bookshelves for the university’s “Georgian Collection”. Consul Cunanan also discussed his interest to establish a formal relationship of friendship and cooperation between the Rizal Library and the National Parliamentary Library of Georgia.

During his visit to the Ateneo, Consul Cunanan, together with Dr. Totanes, also held dialogues with the university’s officials in charge of international affairs, namely Fr. Jose M. Cruz, S.J., Vice President for University and Global Relations, and Mr. Glenn De Leon, Director of the Office of International Relations. They discussed the possibility of a cooperation agreement between the Ateneo and a counterpart university in Georgia and Georgian – Filipino student and faculty study tours and exchange programs. Educational cooperation is a key thrust of the Georgian Consulate. To date, Consul Cunanan has already formalized two academic agreements between Philippine and Georgian universities, with several other related projects in the pipeline.

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